Cloud Services


EveryWare offers cloud services for companies and private individuals. Every customer receives an individual offer with the General Terms and Conditions of Service and the current price list. Specialized engineers ensure a stable use of the services, are at your side if necessary and inform you about possible malfunctions.

GTC Cloud Services

Subject matter of the contract

  1. Participants in EveryWare AG services (hereinafter referred to as "EveryWare") are legal entities or natural persons who obtain services from EveryWare under a service agreement.
  2. Integral parts of the service contract are a) these General Terms and Conditions of Service b) the current price list for EveryWare services.
  3. If the participant also makes use of third-party services by means of the EveryWare services, the participant shall be responsible for compliance with the terms of use of these third-party services and may be held directly liable in the event of damage. In particular, the participant is obliged to settle accounts directly with the third parties for the use of their services. A written agreement with EveryWare to the contrary remains reserved.
  4. The participant further undertakes to comply with the cantonal and federal legal provisions on data protection, telecommunications and copyright applicable to the exchange of data and information brought about by the participant.

Start, duration and termination of the service contract

  1. In the absence of provisions to the contrary, the agreement between the customer and EveryWare shall be concluded for an indefinite period. The agreement shall enter into force on the date agreed between the customer and EveryWare. If the customer uses a service of EveryWare before the agreed date, the agreement shall enter into force on the date of first use.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed, the notice period shall be at least one month.
  3. Notice of termination may be given by either party to the contract and must be submitted in writing, observing the notice periods, at the end of each month.
  4. However, EveryWare reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time for good cause, such as the use of services for or in connection with criminal offenses.

Obligations of EveryWare

  1. EveryWare shall provide the agreed services within the framework of the financial and human resources available to it in accordance with the current state of the art. EveryWare cannot guarantee the uninterrupted and correct provision of the services. In the event of disruptions to the use of services, the participant shall only have the right to withdraw from this contract, provided that it has informed EveryWare of the disruption immediately in writing and has set a reasonable deadline for rectification twice. Announced interruptions of the services, in particular as a result of maintenance work by SWISSCOM, are not deemed to be disruptions.
  2. The software, equipment and devices made available to the subscriber for the use of the services shall remain the property of EveryWare and the subscriber shall not receive any rights of disposal or copyrights in respect thereof.
  3. The services are generally available to the participant for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Agreements and disruptions of a technical nature that lead to impairment of the services are reserved.
  4. EveryWare shall support the participant in establishing a stable condition for the use of the services. If the effort required for this exceeds the usual level, or if the effort made by EveryWare is due to a malfunction of the subscriber's system components or improper operation, EveryWare shall invoice the subscriber for the additional or total effort at EveryWare's current rates.

Obligations of the participant

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, only the participant named in the application form is authorized to purchase EveryWare services. The participant is prohibited from using the EveryWare services or making them available to third parties.
  2. The participant undertakes to inform EveryWare immediately of any defects, malfunctions or unavailability of services and/or systems of which it becomes aware and, in particular, of any use of the services by it, its employees or third parties engaged by it or by unauthorized third parties (e.g. hackers) in breach of the law or the contract.
  3. The subscriber hereby agrees that EveryWare may disclose information about him, namely data about the network connection, contact persons of the subscriber, etc., to third parties if this is necessary for the provision of the services and their coordination by EveryWare.
  4. The services and resources provided by EveryWare are subject to a Fair Usage Policy. The participant is obliged to make moderate use of all resources provided. EveryWare may accept short-term increases in the use of the resources provided. In the event of continuous overuse, EveryWare is entitled to offer the participant a higher performance class, to limit use or to withdraw from the contract after issuing a warning.


  1. The remuneration for the services provided by EveryWare to the subscriber shall be based on EveryWare's current price lists. EveryWare may adjust the fees at any time, in particular in the event of changed prime costs or high utilization of a connection, subject to 30 days' written notice to the end of the month. EveryWare may also implement improvements to the range of services while maintaining the fees as well as fee reductions with a shorter notice period to the end of the month.
  2. The fees shall be invoiced to the participant in advance at least in the cycle of the respective agreed minimum contract term. The fees are to be paid net within 20 days. The bank details stated on the invoice must be used by the participant for payments. Any bank and postal charges incurred by EveryWare as a result of the payment will be invoiced to the participant with the next fee invoice.


  1. To the extent permitted by law, EveryWare excludes any liability for direct and indirect damages or consequential damages as well as for auxiliary persons employed by EveryWare to fulfill the contract.
  2. It is the participant's responsibility to protect the IT systems and devices in its possession that are used for EveryWare's services, as well as the data used for this purpose or accessible through EveryWare's services, including program data, from unauthorized access and manipulation.
  3. The participant may be held responsible or liable for any damage caused to EveryWare or third parties through its use of the EveryWare services. In the event of device use by the participant, its employees or third parties contracted by the participant, as well as by third parties who have gained access to the EveryWare services via the participant's IT system without authorization from EveryWare, EveryWare may also immediately interrupt connectivity to the participant without notice.

Final provisions

  1. These General Terms and Conditions of Service and the documents referred to in section 1.2 above, in conjunction with the Service Agreement, conclusively govern the rights and obligations between EveryWare and the Participant.
  2. In the event of contradictions between different language versions of the individual contractual documents, only the German language version shall prevail. EveryWare reserves the right to make the service sheets available to the participant only in English as the authoritative version.
  3. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich City. EveryWare shall be entitled to sue the participant at its registered office or domicile. All contracts and the integral parts of the contract are subject to the Swiss Code of Obligations

EveryWare Open Cloud Pricing Models

A key advantage of cloud computing is its dynamic availability (on-demand capacity) - with costs based on actual usage. At the same time, there is a need for calculable costs for resources that are used continuously over a longer period of time (pre-committed capacity). The following price models have been developed to meet these requirements.

Below we explain how the individual cost blocks are calculated on the EveryWare Open Cloud and provide transparency about the billing models on which the various services are based.

Compute Services

On-demand model

The on-demand model offers the greatest flexibility without a runtime commitment. You can flexibly order all your instances according to this model and only pay for the time when the instances are active, i.e. in "running" status. Storage USAGE and any other resources such as FloatingIP (Public IP's), snapshots or volume backup are charged for the entire period of use, regardless of the VM power state. A separate invoice item is created for each type of flavor type.

The usage time of the individual VMs is recorded every minute and added up on an hourly basis over the course of the calendar month. The resulting total time in hours is used for billing. Whole hours are always charged.

Example "On-Demand": Monthly Instance-USAGE Hours Aggregation

You use several instances of type "g1.2c2m" (2 vCPU, 2 GB RAM) over the course of December.

  • One instance on December 3 for 2:50 h
  • one instance on December 7 for 0:45 h
  • one instance on December 15 for 0:55 h

The December billing shows 3h + 1h + 1h = 5h USAGE for "g1.2c2m"

The consumption count stops when the instance is no longer active, i.e. in the "Shut-Down" power state.

Example "On-Demand": Monthly instance cost calculation

To cover your needs, you use several instances of different flavor types over the course of December, whereby you

  • run one instance for the whole month (m1.medium)
  • some Monday to Friday (m1.2xlarge)
  • others only at the weekend (e1.small) and
  • others just two days at the end of the month (g1.24c96m)

The following tables illustrate how the costs for the instance resources used (without storage) are calculated.

USAGE und Kostendetail for Zeitraum






USAGE in h

Preis/h in CHF

Kosten in CHF




01.12.2019 00:00:00

01.01.2020 00:00:00







02.12.2019 08:00:00

06.12.2019 17:00:00







09.12.2019 08:00:00

13.12.2019 17:00:00







16.12.2019 08:00:00

20.12.2019 17:00:00







23.12.2019 08:00:00

27.12.2019 17:00:00







07.12.2019 00:00:00

09.12.2019 00:00:00







14.12.2019 00:00:00

16.12.2019 00:00:00







21.12.2019 00:00:00

23.12.2019 00:00:00







28.12.2019 00:00:00

30.12.2019 00:00:00







30.12.2019 08:00:00

31.12.2019 23:00:00







30.12.2019 08:00:00

31.12.2019 23:00:00




Cost overview per flavor type


Total costs in CHF

Total USAGE hours













Total amount



Pre-committed model

In addition to the hourly on-demand model , an attractive pre-committed model is also available for the cloud server (instance) offering. Customers can achieve discounts of up to 50 percent for pre-committed instance types, known as flavors.

Discount levels

  • Pre-commitment 1 year = 30%

  • Pre-commitment 3 years = 50%


  • Ideal for server resources that are used as stable usage over a longer period of time

  • Contract duration 1 year or 3 years (pre-commitment) on certain instance types

  • Quarterly payment in advance (upfront)

  • Monthly billing

Example pre-commitment 3 years

You would like to benefit from the maximum discount (50%) for two server instances of the flavor type "m1.medium" and decide on a pre-commitment for 3 years. During these three years, at the beginning of each quarter, you pay the discounted price for the number of server instances of the "m1.medium" flavor type agreed in the pre-commitment. This is independent of how long the server instances belonging to the flavor type "m1.medium" have been running or not. If you use additional server instances of the same or another flavor type, these resources will be billed according to the on-demand model with the hourly-based price at the end of the month.

Storage Services

The EveryWare Open Cloud offers you the following storage types:

Storage type

Storage name


Block Storage

Instance disk

High-performance enterprise block storage with defined performance values (IOPS, size and bandwidth) per flavor type, based on NVMe SSD SDS clusters. The instance disk is a fixed component of all E* and M* flavors and is used as the system disk of the instances.


High-performance enterprise block storage with selectable performance values (500IOPS to 20,000 IOPS) and freely definable size (up to 4,000 GiB) based on NVMe SSD SDS clusters. Can be used as a system disk (G* Glavor) or additional data disk for instances (VMs).


Own (private) images can be stored as templates


Volume Snapshot Service

Volume Backups

Volume Backup Service, which creates a copy of the selected volume and stores it cross Datacenter on an Object Storage Cluster.

Object Storage

Swift or S3

Object Storage Service

Block Storage

Instance disk

All instances of the M* and E* Flavor already have a so-called instance disk (root disk) included, which can be used as a system disk. The cost of the instance disk is already included in the Flavor price.


A volume (cinder) is a block storage and can be used, for example, as a root disk volume for a G* Flavor instance or as an additional disk volume, e.g. for data. Volumes are billed independently of the "power state" of an instance.

Consumption is calculated as follows:

  • USAGE: Volume size x consumption hours = GB-Hours
  • Rating (price): Hourly price x USAGE (GB-Hours)

Example: A customer creates a 100GB volume of type v-ssd-std on 28.05.2020 at 08:00

At the end of the month 31.05.2020 23:59:00 the following consumption results:

  • USAGE: 100GB x 88h = 8'800 GB-hours
  • Rating (price): CHF 0.000134 x 8,800 GB-hours = CHF 1.18


For private images, the larger of the images x consumption hours (GB hours) are charged in the same way as volumes.


For VM snapshots, the size of the snapshot x consumption hours (GB hours) is charged, analogous to volumes.

Volume Backups

The Open EveryWare Cloud offers the option of a "Volume Backup Service", which creates a copy of the selected volume and stores it cross data center on an object storage cluster. For costs see Swift or S3.

Volume backup process

When an OpenStack volume backup is created, various actions are performed in the background that require resources (e.g. CPU, storage, IOPS, network) and are subsequently billed. We have implemented a fair and transparent billing model for this, which is described below. In order to understand the price-relevant components, let's first take a look at what happens step by step in the background during a volume backup.

  1. In a first step, a temporary copy or clone is created on the primary block storage where the volume is located
  2. This copy of the volume is now divided into approximately 50MB objects and compressed
  3. The compressed objects are then transported to the Object Storage Vault and moved into an object container (bucket).
  4. Finally, the temporary copy of the volume is deleted and a backup entry is created in the backup list
Volume backup billing model

The costs incurred for a volume backup are divided into the following three components

  • Volume backup service costs - processing & service costs (CPU, IOPS, transfer) for the use of resources to create and manage the volume backups created
  • Temporary volume storage costs - which are additionally used for the duration of the backup processing (approx. 1h per 100GB volume)
  • Object storage costs - which are used by the processing and storage of the compressed backup objects (Object StorageSize, Number of Ops)
Example - Daily full backup of 3 volumes with retention of 7

A customer has configured 3 volumes (120GB, 300GB and 500GB) and a daily volume backup (full) with a retention of 7 for each volume.

Die Grafik zeigt, wie täglich nachdem ein 8. Backup erstellt wurde, das älteste Backup gelöscht wird und somit 7 Backups behalten werden. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit über die API Schnittstelle eine Kombination von Incremental und FULL-Backups zu erstellen, was Resourcen schonender und günstiger ist.
Volume backup costs

The actual cost of backing up these 3 volumes depends on various factors, such as the actual size of the backup volume(used size), the processing time of the backup (temporary storage) and the compression factor (>10) of the backup files. The calculation example is a realistic estimate which includes the cost elements for one month:

The actual billing is based on hours.




Amount in CHF


Volume Backup Service Costs

21 backups

60 Rp


Without backup rotation costs (daily 8th backup, approx. +3.5 %)

Temporary volume storage costs

(920 GB) 383 GB month

12 Rp


Price depends on volume type (e.g. 12 Rp/GB/month) and backup duration (approx. 1h per 100GB) in the example: 10h/day = 310h/month

Object storage costs

Size: 340 GB OP's: 599'850

8 Rp/GB/month

5 Rp/10'000

27.20 2.99

The costs for OPs (operations) correspond to approx. 11 % of the object storage costs



Monthly costs for the three volume backups

Object Storage

Swift or S3

The Open EveryWare Cloud offers an object storage service that can be accessed via Swift or S3. The costs for this service are as follows:

* Third Availability Zone (AZ) under construction

EW S3 Public (Public Gateway access)

Annual availability



2AZ* 1 region

Object Store Size (per GB/month in CHF


Object store ops (requests per month) e.g. PUT/COPY/POST/LIST/GET/SELECT etc.

0.005 CHF per 1k

Object-Store-Sent (Outbound GB)

0.05 CHF per GB

Object-Store-Received (Inbound GB)

0.00 CHF

Object-Store-Objects (number of objects)

0.00 CHF